Courses "An additional $5 plus shipping is charged for hard copy versions."
Caring for Older Adults with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9046/P
This program provides healthcare professionals with an overview of MS, epidemiology, etiology, and pathophysiology of this disabling disease. The program focuses on the cognitive, emotional, and family problems due to MS, and it discusses challenges healthcare providers face in meeting the needs of affected persons.
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Pulmonary Problems in Older Adults
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9047/P
This program explores age-related changes of the respiratory system and common disorders, and how these affect older adults. Factors contributing to the problems, ways of preventing problems, and healthcare professionals' role in promoting respiratory health in the elderly population through patient education, nutrition, etc. are discussed. A discussion of pulmonary rehabilitation, prevention of infection, and pharmacologic management is included.
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Arthritis in Older Adults
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9048/P
This program is designed to explore common types of arthritis and how it affects the quality of life of older adults. Treatments, management, nursing interventions, and patient education designed to promote and maintain independence are explored.
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Challenges of Adapting to Long-Term Care
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9049/P
This program is designed to explore the challenges aged adults face in adapting to chronic illness and long-term care. The history of LTC facilities and how admission to it affects individuals is explored. Psychological adaptation to long-term care and chronic illness, physiological challenges of aging and chronic illness, and strategies to help the aged adapt to long-term care are explored. OBRA'87 regulations as they relate to quality of care and some special resident care issues are discussed.
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Hydration, Dehydration and the Aged
5 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9050/P
Dehydration in the aged is a serious and common problem in LTC facilities, yet it can usually be prevented. This program is presented to discuss the importance of water balance and homeostasis, age-related and other factors that contribute to water balance and hydration, and how early recognition and effective interventions will serve to reduce the negative impact of dehydration on morbidity and mortality in older persons. Measures that should be taken to prevent dehydration are explored.
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Cultural Diversity and Care of The Elderly
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9051/P
This program explores the nature of cultural and social differences among the elderly, and how socio-cultural factors affect health-promoting and health-seeking behavior of aged individuals when residing in long-term care facilities. The care of culturally diverse elderly persons as related to health and social care, approaches to health and illness, dealing with pain, and death and dying is discussed. The importance of communication to bridge differing expectations, expressions, and responses to health care are stressed throughout the program.
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Understanding and Meeting the Needs of the Elderly with Problem Behaviors
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9052/P
This program offers a brief overview of age-related changes in the brain as they relate to behaviors, and of delirium and depression, which may be a symptom associated with cognitive loss or a separate and treatable condition. Difficult behaviors resulting from cognitive impairment and common personality disorders and appropriate nursing interventions are explored.
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Diabetes Mellitus and Older Adults
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9053/P
This program is designed to explore the diabetic disease process in older adults and the relationships among the impaired homeostasis of aging, impaired glucose tolerance, and the psychosocial impact of diabetes on the elderly. The importance of individualized diabetes care, prevention of complications, and educational programs for aged persons with diabetes is included.
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Grief, Death, and Dying
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9112/P
This program is designed to explore attitudes about death and bereavement in our society, ways persons cope with death and loss, how to support patients in the dying process, how the terminally ill and their families experience the grieving process, and how to ensure that patients will die with dignity. Cultural perspectives on death and grief will be discussed in addition to effective communication with the dying and bereaved. An overview of pain management in the care of dying persons is included.
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Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Older Adults
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9054/P
This program is presented to explore the different forms of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Factors that put the elderly at risk for abuse and neglect, ways to identify possible abuse, and appropriate interventions will be explored. A discussion of the nursing process and elder abuse, documentation, and abuse prevention training in nursing homes is included.
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Gerontological Nursing: A Challenge
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9055/P
This program presents a brief overview of theories of aging, normal structure and function and age-related changes of all body systems. Common health deviations and general nursing implications for residents in LTCFs are discussed, in addition to the nursing process as it relates to providing individualized care.
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Mental Health and the Aged
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9056/P
This program focuses on a variety of mental health problems of aged persons in their homes and long-term care facilities. The need for a total assessment - physical, functional, social, mental, and emotional environmental - is stressed, and specific practical nursing interventions to use when caring for persons with behavioral and mental problems are explored.
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Understanding and Assessing Pain in the Elderly
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9057/P
This program is designed to provide the reader with information that will assist them to build a broader understanding of pain as a clinical problem, an overview of key concepts of pain types, etiology and theories of pain. Various strategies for evaluation, assessment and intervention of pain are explored, and the subject of patient teaching related to pain control is discussed.
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Preserving Skin Integrity of the Aged
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9058/P
This program reviews the anatomy and physiology of normal skin, age-related changes, contributing factors to impaired skin integrity - such as dry skin, excessive exposure to moisture, and external pressure. Normal wound healing and factors affecting the healing process and general interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers are included.
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Mobility, Activities and the Elderly
5 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9059/P
This program emphasizes the importance and benefits of mobility/activity for elderly persons. Normal structure and function, age-related changes and common disorders of the musculoskeletal system are discussed. The prevention of immobility/activity intolerance, ways to motivate elderly to become more mobile/active, and the nursing process as related to impaired mobility is explored.
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Alzheimer's Disease: A Challenge for Care
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9060/P
This program is designed to review the pathophysiology and progress of AD and its impact on the patient and family. Interventions to provide a supportive and caring environment and measures to help caregivers meet the challenge of caring for persons with Alzheimer's disease are explored.
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Geriatric Nutrition
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9061/P
This program addresses the interrelations among physical aging, nutrition, and disease, in addition to drug effects on the nutritional status. Nursing considerations and interventions to promote optimal nutrition of elders are included.
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Urinary Incontinence and the Aged
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9062/P
It is the goal of this program to dispel the myth of the inevitability of urinary incontinence and old age, and to provide the incontinent aging adult psychological and physical support to regain and/or maintain independence. The program includes a discussion about causes and contributing factors of urinary incontinence. Management, treatment, and techniques to regain continence are explored.
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Falling and Older Adults
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9063/P
This program is designed to review how physical and mental changes related to aging, and disorders and their treatments increase the aged person's risk for falling. Complications of falling, safety measures and nursing interventions to decrease the incidence of falls are examined.
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Sexuality and the Aged
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9064/P
This program focuses on aged persons' problems and concerns regarding their sexuality. It explores fears, myths, and reality of their sexuality. A discussion of normal age-related physiological changes, effects of medication and sexual dysfunction are included. Social, cultural, and religious influences are reviewed. Nursing implications and counseling guidelines to help nurses deal with aged person's sexual problems and concerns are included.
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Rehabilitation of Persons with Stroke
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9065/P
This program presents pathological manifestations, the physiological basis of CVAs, and common deficits following stroke. Guidelines for assessment and initiation of specific preventive and therapeutic measures necessary for successful rehabilitation are included.
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Infection Control in Long-Term Care Facilities
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9066/P
This program covers nosocomial infections in LTCFs, effects of age on the host defense system, and common infections, including MRSA, TB, viral hepatitis, and specific prevention and control measures.
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Caring for Residents with Parkinson's Disease
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9067/P
This program includes relevant information about Parkinson's disease, the impact on the affected individual and significant others, possible causes, treatment and interventions to prevent complications and promote and maintain independence.
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Caring for HIV-Infected Adults
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9068/P
This program is designed to provide a brief overview of HIV infection, how it affects older adults, S/S, the effects on the immune system, testing, issues of confidentiality, psychological issues, infection control, and nursing measures.
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To Restrain or Not To Restrain
10 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9069/P
This course explores OBRA regulations regarding physical and chemical restraints, and the complex problems and issues involved related to these regulations. The right for quality of life is stressed and alternative to restraint explored.
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Ethical Issues in Health Services Management
6 CE - NHAP CEP #1197010-9070/P
This program is designed to review personal ethics and administrative ethical issues. Ethical philosophies, principles, and codes of ethics are reviewed, and ways of identifying and solving some ethical issues are explored. A brief discussion about developing a personal ethic, organizational and mission statements, and some administrative issues are included.
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